Kune matatu marudzi earc magineti e micromotors:
1. Samarium cobalt inopesana nekushisa kwepamusoro (400 ℃), ruvara rwesimbi rwakajeka, uye kukosha kwakakwirira. Tsvagiridzo yakazara inoratidza kuti ma micromotor haawanzo shandisa samarium cobalt magineti.
2.Permanent magnet ferrite, because the high temperature is superior to NdFeB in this regard is beyond doubt, to achieve unique micro-motor matching, the process cost of ferrite is high, and the rejection rate is also high, because simple fracture may is the wear angle
3. Iyo arc magnet mota ine neodymium magineti serotor magineti idiki muhukuru, yakareruka muhuremu, yakakwira inertia reshiyo, inokurumidza kupindura kumhanya kwe servo system, yakakwirira musimba uye kumhanya / chikamu reshiyo, yakakura pakutanga torque, uye inochengetedza magetsi. Magineti emota anowanzo tara, mhete kana trapezoid, inogona kushandiswa mumamota akasiyana, akadai seanogara magineti mota, AC motors, DC mota, mutsara mota, brushless mota, nezvimwe.