Basa remabhurashi kabhoni mumamotor


Basa remabhurashi kabhoni mumamotor

Carbon brushes are used between the stationary and rotating parts of motors, generators or other rotating machinery and become one of its important components. As a sliding contact, carbon brushes are widely used in many electrical equipment. Product materials are mainly electrochemical graphite, greased graphite, metal (including copper, silver) graphite. The shape is rectangular, and the metal wire is installed in the spring. The carbon brush is a sliding contact part, so it is easy to wear and needs to be replaced and cleaned regularly.

Basa rekabhoni brashi nderokuunza rotor ikozvino inodiwa nekushanda kwemotokari mu rotor coil kuburikidza nechidimbu chekubatanidza pane slip ring. Kukodzera uye kutsvedzerera kwekabhoni brashi uye chidimbu chekubatanidza, uye saizi yenzvimbo yekubata inobata hupenyu hwayo uye kuvimbika. Mumotokari yeDC, inoitawo basa rekufambisa (kugadzirisa) iyo inotsinhanisa electromotive simba rinokonzereswa mumhepo inomonereka.

Iyo commutator inoumbwa nemabhurashi uye mhete dzekuchinja, uye kabhoni mabhurashi imhando imwe yemabhurashi. Nekuda kwekutenderera kwe rotor, mabhurashi anogara achikwizwa nemhete yekuchinja, uye spark erosion ichaitika panguva yekufamba, saka mabhurashi ndiwo akapfeka zvikamu muDC mota.

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