
Fekitori yedu inopa mota shaft, thermal protector, commutator yemotokari, nezvimwe. Yakanyanya dhizaini, mhando yezvigadzirwa zvemhando yepamusoro, kuita kwepamusoro uye mutengo wemakwikwi ndizvo zvinodiwa nemutengi wese, uye ndizvo zvakare zvatingakupa. Isu tinotora mhando yepamusoro, mutengo unonzwisisika uye basa rakakwana.
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Wholesale Transformer F Kirasi 6641 DMD Insulation Pepa

Wholesale Transformer F Kirasi 6641 DMD Insulation Pepa

Wholesale Transformer F Kirasi 6641 DMD Insulation Pepa, inozivikanwawo sehighland barley bepa, izita rakajairika re cyan nhete yemagetsi insulating kadhibhodhi. Inogadzirwa kubva kuhuni fiber kana yakasanganiswa pulp yakasanganiswa nekotoni fiber, uye inogadzirwa neimwe nzira. Mavara anowanzo shandiswa eakatetepa emagetsi insulating kadhibhodhi ndeyero uye cyan, yero inowanzozivikanwa seyero shell bepa, uye cyan inowanzozivikanwa segirini hove bepa.

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Vatatu Phase Self Armature Commutator For Automobile

Vatatu Phase Self Armature Commutator For Automobile

NIDE inogona kupa zvinopfuura chiuru nemazana maviri akasiyana ekufambisa. Tave tichigadzira ma commutators kweanopfuura makore gumi uye tinokwanisa kupa vatengi mitengo yemakwikwi uye yemhando yepamusoro commutators.Welcome to buy Three Phase Self Armature Commutator For Automobile from us. Chese chikumbiro chevatengi chiri kupindurwa mukati meawa makumi maviri nemana.

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BR-T 140℃ AC Thermal Protector Ine PTC 17AM Thermal Protector

BR-T 140℃ AC Thermal Protector Ine PTC 17AM Thermal Protector

NIDE inoita basa rekutumira kunze marudzi akasiyana eBR-T 140 ℃ AC Thermal Protector Ine PTC 17AM Thermal Protector. Iyo Electronic Thermal Protectors inoshandiswa zvakanyanya mumamotor, pombi dzemvura, mafeni, kutonhora mafeni, magetsi emagetsi, emagetsi welding muchina, mabhatiri mapaketi, transformers, ballasts, mwenje midziyo, uye magetsi ekudziya zvigadzirwa zvemidziyo yemumba. Overcurrent thermal protection field

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BR-T Thermal Protector 17AM Thermal Protector

BR-T Thermal Protector 17AM Thermal Protector

NIDE inonyanya kuburitsa kunze marudzi akasiyana eBR-T Thermal Protector 17AM Thermal Protector. Iyo Electronic Thermal Protectors inoshandiswa zvakanyanya mumamotor, pombi dzemvura, mafeni, kutonhora mafeni, magetsi emagetsi, emagetsi welding muchina, mabhatiri mapaketi, transformers, ballasts, mwenje midziyo, uye magetsi ekudziya zvigadzirwa zvemidziyo yemumba. Overcurrent thermal protection field

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8AMC 140 Electronic Thermal Protector 17AM Thermal Protector

8AMC 140 Electronic Thermal Protector 17AM Thermal Protector

NIDE inonyanya kuendesa kunze marudzi akasiyana e8AMC 140 Electronic Thermal Protector 17AM Thermal Protector. Iyo 8AMC 140 Electronic Thermal Protector 17AM Thermal Protector inoshandiswa zvakanyanya mumamotor, pombi dzemvura, mafeni, mafeni ekutonhodza, magetsi emagetsi, emagetsi welding muchina, bhatiri mapaketi, transformers, ballasts, mwenje midziyo, uye magetsi ekudziya zvigadzirwa zvemidziyo yemumba. Overcurrent thermal protection field

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Carbon Brush Holder Gungano Yakagadzirirwa Zvishandiso zveMasimba

Carbon Brush Holder Gungano Yakagadzirirwa Zvishandiso zveMasimba

Iwe unogona kuzorora uine chokwadi chekutenga Carbon Brush Holder Gungano Seti Yemagetsi Zvishandiso kubva kufekitori yedu uye isu tinokupa iwe yakanakisa mushure mekutengesa sevhisi uye kuendesa panguva.

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